In a tragic incident, 10 police officers lost their lives, and six others sustained injuries in a late-night terror attack at Pakistan’s Chodwan police station in Dera Ismail Khan on Monday. The attackers, armed with snipers, targeted the police station at around 3 am, employing a combination of sniper fire and hand grenades, as reported by Pakistan’s police officers.
The assailants, after initiating the attack with sniper fire, infiltrated the police station premises, causing further casualties by utilizing hand grenades. The identity of the perpetrators remains unclear, adding an additional layer of complexity to the incident. The assault occurred just three days before the scheduled national elections on February 8, intensifying security concerns.
The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region and Balochistan have witnessed a surge in terrorist activities in recent days, raising alarms about the overall security situation. Notably, on January 31, a national assembly candidate, Rehan Zeb Khan, along with four aides, was shot dead in the tribal district along the Afghan border. The candidate claimed allegiance to former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan.